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Ferndel Phantasia

Date: 2010-01-12
Picture: 65
Folders: 0

Šteniatka ASS

Date: 2010-01-21
Picture: 17
Folders: 0

Boston & District Canine Society Championship Show

Date: 2010-01-26
Picture: 25
Folders: 0
Comments: 0

Crufts - historické fotky

Date: 2010-02-18
Picture: 36
Folders: 0
Comments: 0

East Cup Prešov - 19.-21.2.2010

Date: 2010-02-23
Picture: 18
Folders: 0
Comments: 0

Crufts 2010

Date: 2010-03-17
Picture: 38
Folders: 0
Comments: 0

Národná výstava a špeciálna výstava KCHPS - Nitra

Date: 2010-03-28
Picture: 20
Folders: 0

Celoštátna výstava psov Banská Bystrica, 2.5. 2010

Date: 2010-05-03
Picture: 13
Folders: 0

Brita na ceste do Anglicka

Date: 2010-05-12
Picture: 47
Folders: 0

Car z Herocké návsi

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 12
Folders: 1


Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 574
Folders: 17

Crufts - historické fotky

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 36
Folders: 1

Boston & District Canine Society Championship Show 2010

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 25
Folders: 1

Vianoce 2009

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 13
Folders: 1

Brita od Jezárek

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 93
Folders: 3

Joki z Chotuckých alejí

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 18
Folders: 1

ostatné (others)

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 64
Folders: 1

poľovačka júl 2007

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 8
Folders: 1

klubová výstava november 2007

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 14
Folders: 1

Open Single Breed Show

Date: 2010-06-04
Picture: 0
Folders: 0